As printed in the newspaper column: A Voice In The Mountains, By Alan D. Turner
In the previous article titled, Preparing Us Ahead of Time, I shared how The Lord was preparing both Nancy and me for her Heavenly Home-Going prior to its occurrence on 01.12.2022; by way of her close relationship with our Grandson Kaleb, who went ahead of us on 10.13.2008.
In this article, I will share how our loving Heavenly Father did not leave us but was right there in the midst of Nancy’s struggles in her own body, just trying to stay alive for my sake, and her need for relief, which finally came, when she was released from her body, allowing her (spirit and soul) to immediately go be with her Lord. It is not our God’s will for anyone to suffer, but if they do, there are times when it is only when that one enters into death are they able to finally receive their healing and/or deliverance that God (through Christ Jesus’ suffering) made available for them while they were still living.
For those who may not know about Nancy’s struggle with her health, it began just shy four years ago. With the struggling becoming increasingly worse, she basically became homebound, only going out to one doctor and/or hospital test or procedure after another. In the last two years, she was even limited within her home to our couch in our living room, sitting there during the day and sleeping there during the night, and in the last six to down to the last 2 months she wasn’t even able to sit much, with her only lying there even when she was awake. This is no way to live!
There were times after I would go to bed and Nancy was left alone in the living room, suffering in pain, that Nancy would tell me the next day, how that The Lord sent angels to come be with her during the night: When she asked them, “If they came to take her home?” She said, they would tell her “Not yet”, that they were there for her immediate comfort. I also believe that they were there in preparation for that time of her leaving that was coming, though they gave her no set time.
Then toward the end, The Lord Himself came and told Nancy He was there waiting to act on her behalf; to receive her healing here or to go on home? And, that He would be there with her either way. Sharing this is in no way judging My Nancy’s faith; for until an individual is in a similar situation, they truly do not know themselves how they would react if they were?
I remember one time when I was trying to encourage Nancy to just trust The Lord for her healing, that I quoted a familiar Bible Verse concerning God’s Provision for our healing; that Nancy stopped me in the middle of talking, to tell me of another time when The Lord came to her (this time in a dream), and asked her, “Why was she listening to the voices of others (doctors), instead of His (concerning her healing)?” I can’t remember what her answer to Him was, or if she answered at all? But I do remember what she told me, “Sometimes one’s pain can be the loudest voice in the room!” And “It can get so loud, that it even drowns out the voice of our God.”
Just a week prior to Nancy’s going on ahead of me; as she was struggling with the pain, with its loudness intensifying more and more; that she cried out in my presence, “That she did not want to leave her family, but she absolutely had to have relief!” Without putting it into words, what she was saying is, “I’m ready Lord to go to be with you!”
Though The Lord was willing to Heal Nancy, I believe He knew that she was not going to receive her healing down here, and that she was torn between staying and going; which is why even after the visitations of the angels, that The Lord Himself came to her; it was all playing a part in aiding Nancy’s transition from her temporal home to her eternal one. Allowing her to come at peace with the transition; so, when it came time for her home-going, she was able to do so without any further struggling.
I am very grateful to our Good Lord for showing up in our living room to let not only Mine, but His Nancy as well, know that He was there for her; for the truth of the matter is – she was His way before He allowed her to become mine. For the closeness that they shared started when she was just a very small child, when he first appeared to her while she was playing in her sandbox and continued all of her life. And because of their close relationship, I believe He was there with her in that twinkling of an eye timeframe that it took for her to forever be with Him.
Please stay tuned as I will be sharing not only how The Lord prepared our Nancy, but through her: He was preparing me as well.
Thank you for reading this column, as I share THIS ONE MAN’S OPINION OF MINE AND THE LORD’S NANCY.
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03/14/2022 — adt
1 thought on “The Lord and His Nancy”
Marie Cahall
Amen!! 🙏❤🙏
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