As printed in the newspaper column: A Voice In The Mountains, By Alan D. Turner
Here we are at the end of another Presidential Election, were the outcome is being challenged. If you are for the “called” winner, you believe that this is a done deal, and that the other fellow just needs to gracefully bailout. On the other hand, if you are for that other fellow – you believe that he needs to challenge the outcome.
This article is not about either side of that debate. For me as the writer of this column, it is about what it is always about and that is Christianity, and in this case how it plays itself out in the realm of politics:
For as it has been for each passing election, once again there were enough of those who confess themselves to be Christian who voted for the political party who openly opposites the moral values of Christianity, which has brought us to this political dilemma.
For this indeed is a dilemma: For whomever of the two candidates are finally sworn in as our President for the next four years, at least half of America will feel like their side was cheated. It will further divide this nation into two warring factions; not only mistrusting its government but furthering the animosity toward one another that currently exist and continues to increase each passing election cycle.
Regardless of which one of the two candidates becomes our next President. The mistrust and animosity that was a part of this Presidential Race will be continued to be exploited by those whose agenda is to create a Socialist Country. They will continue to divide us, until they can reunite us into one country under their control.
Whoever “they” are – they will not be content until we become One Nation under “them”, instead of God. Where they are the 1 percent that controls the rest of the 99 percent. Which is how every other Socialist Nation functions. The few who are in power dictating every aspect of life for everyone else.
The truth of the matter is this division that opens the door to socialism did not have to occur: If all those who confess themselves to be Christian would have voted strictly based upon Biblical Morality; that political party (that is being infiltrated by those with a socialist agenda) would not be in a place to be in power. The votes would not need to be challenged. There would not be enough “questionable” votes (be it improper or incomplete ballots, or illegal ones, etc.) to sway the election.
Depending on which website, you go to on the internet: There are currently at least around 65% of Americans who confess themselves to be Christian. Which is down from 85% just in the last ten years, as it is decreasing each passing year. But nevertheless – if there are still at least 65%, and if they would vote according to the Judeo-Christian Morals and Ethics as found in The Holy Bible, the election outcome would be unchallengeable.
Then if you also add all those Christians and non-Christians alike who did not vote at all: I seen something the other day on the internet that stated that there were 110 million eligible voters, who did not vote. If only one third of these would have voted with the largest amount voting for the fellow who was not presumptuously called “our elected president” by our mass-media and social networks, he would be the winner, without question.
If (and sadly to said in all probably when) this nation does (finally) turn into a socialist nation, it will be the result of those “Christians” who forsook their trust in God providing all of their needs, for the political promises of its government to do so. The same way God’s Provision is based upon obedience to His Will, so too – is that of any socialist government. Provision is never free; it always costs the one on the receiving side.
This failure of those who confess themselves to be Christian to vote against, instead of for, the political party whose morals are clearly against God, and for all those others who will not vote at all, is why America is in the shape we are in today; which is one step further from God and one step closer to the devil and his evil agenda for not only America, but for the whole world.
It is my belief that it will be a socialist form of government that will usher in the final “One World Government”, that will bring forth the anti-Christ and the Great Tribulation that The Book of Revelations warns us of.
A time is coming (and I believe is right at the door) when the whole world will give their allegiance to this “man of sin”, and all those who refuse will be killed by that socialist government. And all those who do align themselves – there will be no forgiveness, thus no Salvation, which will doom their souls to an eternal Hell that awaits.
The devil’s effort to turn America away from God, started when he convinced those in politics to turn their backs on the morals of God, then through politics to turn all of America’s heart away from God as well. This had to be his first step, or it would have been more difficult for him to move onto his next step, and that is to turn us into a socialist form of government, which makes each and every one to become totally depended on those corrupt politicians; who are being manipulated by the devil to bring about his ultimate plan to turn this whole world away from God, and proclaim himself as god, instead.
The devil knows, as goes America, so goes the world.
As I close, let me state – that regardless of which one of the Presidential Candidates becomes our next President; Christians must stay faithful to God and His Will for not only their own lives and that of their families, but – continue to pray for all of the souls of our Nation, and that God’s Will be done within and without our Country. To continue to be that voice for God in this world.
I thank you for reading this ongoing column, as I will continue to share THIS ONE MAN’S OPINION regarding subjects that matter to my God, to all of us, to all of our families, and to everyone else.
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11/15/2020 — adt
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