As printed in the newspaper column: A Voice In The Mountains, By Alan D. Turner
This article is similar to other articles I have written through the years regarding my personal experiences of having several of my closest family members leave this current world ahead of me. Starting in the very first year I started writing this column in 2008, when it was my then 16 year old grandson Kaleb Alan Turner. But none have been closer than my beloved Nancy, who has just gone ahead of me on 01.12.2022.
In this article, I will be sharing how The Lord began preparing ahead of time both Nancy and myself for her Heavenly Home-Going: On her part – to stop struggling to stay alive (in her pain and suffering) for my sake and that of our Children and Grandchildren, and our two month old Great-Grandchild; to be able to yield her spirit and soul to her Lord, what The Bible calls, “Giving up her ghost”, and to step into eternity, and on my part – preparing my heart to be able to accept it.
To better explain this preparation, I will need to first go back to another preparation; one in which – The Lord prepared Nancy (and me) to be able to accept the Heavenly Home-Going of Nancy’s (Nana’s) “Sweet Baby-Boy, Kaleb”.
For anyone who knew both Nancy and her Kaleb, they know that there was a special bond between the two; that their relationship was more than just between a Nana (Grandma) and her Grandson, but – it was a deeper spiritual relationship that bonded their spirits; and by way of God’s Holy Spirit, God was able to use that bonding of spirits to prepare us just before both of their leaving this current world.
As far as the first preparation: As I shared in the many articles that I wrote about Kaleb and his leaving us unexpectedly at his early age; it was his communication with his Nana (My Nancy) just weeks prior to his fatal automobile accident that enabled us to trust that his departure was not a final separation, but only temporary.
The following is an excerpt of one of those communications in Nana’s own words: Approximately two weeks before Kaleb left us, we lost a dear neighbor in our small community. The loss of this neighbor had a profound (and perhaps also a prophetic) effect on Kaleb. As we discussed how everyone should be prepared for when we leave this current world; Kaleb shared with me how he was assured that someday when his Nana and Papa went to be with The Lord, we would be waiting for him just inside the gate of Heaven.
Within this same conversation, Kaleb also stated that if he were to go first, he would be waiting for us just inside the same gate. Of course, Nancy’s initial response was, “why would you say such a thing about going first?” When it would be so obvious to anyone, that we would go first; being not only the oldest, but he being so much younger, with his whole life still yet ahead of him. Looking back on it in hindsight, we come to believe it was in preparation for what our Lord knew (but did not cause) was soon to be coming; that Kaleb was indeed going inside that gate before us.
This prophetic testimony by Kaleb himself of his going first, was also prophetically confirmed when his Nana could not sleep that night before that fatal event; when she was praying to The Lord, and in her prayers came forth the prophetic request, “Lord, whatever you need to do, do not let any of our Children or Grandchildren leave this world unprepared!” Then, she hears The Lord’s promise, “That He would not let that happen!” Hearing these words, enabled her to finally fall asleep just an hour or two prior to Kaleb’s Heavenly Home-Going.
It was sometime soon afterwards, that Nancy questioned The Lord, “Why did He let Kaleb die; when He had made that promise?” Then she was reminded that the promise wasn’t that any of our Children or Grandchildren wouldn’t leave this current world, but that they would not leave unprepared (“lost”). And, she was reassured, that Kaleb was prepared!
Nancy was also given yet another prophetic confirmation within a week or two later, when she said Kaleb came to see her, and he told her that The Lord allowed him to do so; to let her know not to worry about him, that he was okay in the presence of The Lord. And, Kaleb assured her that he would keep his promise to his Nana, by being there waiting for her, when it was her time to go ahead!
Now, back to Nancy’s preparation: I did not know this until just after My Nancy’s going ahead of me on that Wednesday of 01.12.2022; she had told Kaleb’s mom Chastity that previous Saturday of 01.09.2022; that Kaleb had come to see her earlier that same week, to tell her that, “it was okay with The Lord, if she was to come on ahead!”
I believe The Lord sending Kaleb ahead of time was in keeping of Kaleb’s promise to be there when his Nana was going to be entering into that same gate that he had already went through, and as stated above – it was also a two-fold preparation for not only enabling My Nancy to be able to go on ahead of me without a struggle, but for me to be able to let her go, as well.
For those who may dismiss everything that I just wrote above as just being coincidental or too far out there to believe; as for me: I have always believed and depended upon God preparing His children ahead of time for both the best and worse events in our lives. Especially, during traumatic events, God’s preparations ahead of time have enabled me to better deal or cope with such events. And I know this is even going to be true for my coping with My Nancy no longer being with me in this current world.
And I do have Bible for this belief of our God preparing us ahead of time; here are two of those scriptures: “In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established” (excerpt 2 Corinthians 13:1). And, “Surely The Lord God will do nothing, but He (first) revealeth (it) unto His servants the prophets” (excerpt and added comment Amos 3: 7).
And for those who do not believe that God will allow those who have gone on ahead to appear and communicate with those who are still here on the earth, please read of the following examples of such occurrences found in 1 Samuel 28: 3-20, Matthew 17: 1 – 8, and Matthew 27: 50-53.
Stay tuned as I will be sharing THIS ONE MAN’S OPINION OF MY NANCY.
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02/20/2022 — adt
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